Friday, August 5, 2011

Rivas of blood: Elen bullfight protest

Good sport ... Elen Rivas

Making a point ... Elen's PETA ad

SPANISH beauty Elen Rivas poses naked and bleeding in a hard-hitting campaign against bullfighting.

The ex-fiancée of England footie ace Frank Lampard appears with four spears in her back in the controversial ad by animal rights group PETA.
Campaigners hope the ad will persuade British tourists not to see a bullfight while on holiday in Spain, where the sport is still widespread.
Model Elen, 36, who recently dated singer Peter Andre, said: "My ad might be graphic, but it's nothing compared to the bloody, violent reality of bullfights.
"Most Spaniards are opposed to this barbaric blood sport, and PETA and I are urging tourists not to be fooled by the industry's propaganda.
"There is absolutely nothing romantic about torturing and killing animals for entertainment."
The ad is set to stir up a new debate on bullfighting in Spain.
The Canary Islands were the first Spanish region to ban it in 1991. Catalonia, whose capital Barcelona is Elen's home city, recently followed suit.
But many cities elsewhere have at least one event a week during the bullfighting season from April to September.
The most famous festival is in Pamplona, which features bullfights as well as the famous Running of the Bulls.
PETA campaigner Mimi Bekhechi said: "In a typical bullfight, men on blindfolded horses drive lances into the bull's back and neck, impairing the animal's ability to lift his head.
Dates ... Elen with Peter
Dates ... Elen with Peter
"Finally, after the animal has become weak from blood loss, the matador attempts to kill the bull but often only succeeds in further maiming the animal."