V Shantaram awards 2009 was held recently and awards were presented in front of Legendary actress Sandhya. Rani Mukherji and Prakash Raj won awards for best actress and best actor. Here is the full list of V Shantaram awards 2009 -
Best actress - Rani Mukherji for 'Dil Bole Haddipa'
Best actor - Prakash Raj for 'Kanchivaram'
Best director Gold award - Priyadarshan for 'Kanchivaram'
Best director Silver award - Satish Manwar for 'Gabhricha Paus'
Best film Gold award - 'Kanchivaram'
Best film Silver award - 'Gabhricha Paus'
Best actress - Rani Mukherji for 'Dil Bole Haddipa'
Best actor - Prakash Raj for 'Kanchivaram'
Best director Gold award - Priyadarshan for 'Kanchivaram'
Best director Silver award - Satish Manwar for 'Gabhricha Paus'
Best film Gold award - 'Kanchivaram'
Best film Silver award - 'Gabhricha Paus'